The elite Brooklyn private school teacher accused of catfishing teens for child porn voluntarily enrolled in a sex offender treatment program before his shocking arrest, his lawyer revealed in a fiery probation hearing Monday. Winston Nguyen — a former “Jeopardy!” champion hired to teach at the swanky Saint Ann’s School — narrowly escaped going back […]
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The elite Brooklyn private school teacher accused of catfishing teens for child porn voluntarily enrolled in a sex offender treatment program before his shocking arrest, his lawyer revealed in a fiery probation hearing Monday. Winston Nguyen — a former “Jeopardy!” champion hired to teach at the swanky Saint Ann’s School — narrowly escaped going back […]
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The elite Brooklyn private school teacher accused of catfishing teens for child porn voluntarily enrolled in a sex offender treatment program before his shocking arrest, his lawyer revealed in a fiery probation hearing Monday. Winston Nguyen — a former “Jeopardy!” champion hired to teach at the swanky Saint Ann’s School — narrowly escaped going back […]
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